BA II plus, which financial calculator is best for the CFA? CFA Calculator Comparison 1. While these two calculators serve the same purpose, they are designed differently and each has its own set of pros and cons.
There are only two CFA approved calculators you are allowed to use during your exam: the Texas Instruments BA II Plus and Hewlett Packard 12C. This is a simulation of a Classic Macintosh from 1984, running System 7.0.1 with MacPaint, MacDraw, and Kid Pix. PCE.js Mac Plus emulator running Mac OS System 7 - a hack by James Friend PCE.js emulates classic computers in the browser. I borrowed a financial calculator from a friend who has an HP 10bII+. It is not a bad deal for the price of $34.99. It is consistently right in its calculations. Ba Ii Plus Professional Emulator For Macbook Pro.